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Welcome Sara J!

Pastor Sara J Anderson will join Calumet's staff as Associate Executive Director! How cool is that! Read the announcement by clicking the button below.

Boom Chicka Move

Boom Chicka Move -- 2024! Report those August miles! We're going to get to our goal of 151K miles if we can get everyone's miles! Let's go everyone!

Harvest Weekend

The alums from 2000-2009 will gather at Calumet over the upcoming Labor Day Weekend. If you or someone you know worked at Calumet during one of those summers, this is a weekend you want to know about!

Calumet Book Club

The next book for Calumet Book Club (a great opportunity to learn) is Jim Wallis' The False White Gospel." Thanks to generous help from a donor, the book is available for a limited time for $0.

Calumet is delighted to be doing this ministry in partnership with the New England Synod's anti-racism advisory board.

There are two Zoom discussion opportunities. October 28 at 630 PM or October 29 at 930 AM.

Fruits & Roots

OCT 7-10

This mid-week retreat hosted by Deacon Judy Smith will focus entirely on the Fruit-of-the-Spirit -- PEACE! Be part of this mid-week event in the Autumn. Nearly 40 participants gathered for the retreat on JOY in April!

Boom Chicka News -- Monthly E-News

Every month, the Boom Chicka News is updated for Calumet Nation to know what's going on, how to participate, who among us is in need of prayer, what programs are coming up, and anything else that is for the good of the community. We send a message each month via email, but it's *ALWAYS* found at the very top of the homepage. 


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