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Boom Chicka News

February 2025!

With the momentum from a fantastic January filled with Calumet Nation guests participating in any number of the retreat offerings, we are heading boldly and enthusiastically into February. You're invited to be part of it whether it's through a visit, perusing our website, checking out our social media posts, and/or participating by offering up prayers that we have here in the monthly Boom Chicka News! Be part of the goodness that is Calumet!

Thanks for reading Boom Chicka News. Have a look at what's going on this month and in the few months ahead. Come & See!

In Our Prayers

We pray for those who had been among us as Calumet Nation and who have recently died -- especially Dave Dion of Connecticut (unexpected death in early February)  ... that God will be journeying with their families and friends. We lift the names of these saints:  Jeanette Lees, Franklyn Vosburg, Judy Perreault Maitland, Dick Svenson, Ben Clancy, Betty-Joan Spiller, Richard Grove -- and know there are many others whose names are not listed here, but whose circles of love, we pray, will be comforted by God and that they will experience God's peace ...

We pray for our nation ... that all citizens will see the face of Jesus in each other ... that all will turn to goodness and mercy ... and all will humble themselves to seeing the perspective of their neighbor so as to better serve and heal ...

For Ralph Johansson who is managing ongoing health concerns ...

For Bob Johansson who is undergoing treatment this month. ...

For Elizabeth who struggles with being diagnosed (again) with cancer ... may treatments reduce tumors ...

For Tasha who has undergoing treatment for cancer and who has been lifted up by her circle of support. She says, "Calumet Nation provides incredible support (and laughs)" ...

For the LGBTQIA+ students and their parents who are having to manage any number of special challenges related to (for some) their healthcare, (for some) navigating challenges related to their government IDs, (for some) seeking support from systems and institutions ...

For the People of (the) Congo who continue to manage very difficult conditions in their country ...

Those who struggle in quiet ways (prayer for courage, strength, and resolve) ...

Ones who experience fear, anxiety, or worry (prayer for hope and trust) ...

For pastors and congregation members who are experiencing pressures tied to their advocacy and their commitment to journeying with marginalized ones who, for any number of reasons, are in fear ...

For the innocent ones where political and/or military powers seem to be louder than ever ...

For those who struggle with addiction and those who feel powerless as they see the difficulties of loved ones who are addicted ...

And all for whom we pray at this very moment who need your care, wisdom, and touch, we entrust them to you, O God. Amen.

February 2025

ONE -- Hey! Hey! Resident Camp for Kids 2025 is now receiving online registrations. Calumet 2025 will be the best summer ever! Camp Director Adam Fales shares this:

Camper Referral Discount - Recommend Calumet's Resident Camp to friends and family, and receive $100 off your fee for each first time camper (non-sibling) who registers for camp based on your recommendation. Not only will you save money, but you will share the wonders of Calumet's Resident Camp to many new campers! Discount will be applied after registrations are submitted. The first time camper must name (where indicated on the camper information form) the camper who recommended Calumet.

TWO -- Calumet has a new Online Store for Calumet Gear! How cool is that! Now, for those who cannot get here as often as they like ... and for those who want something a bit different from what we have in our camp stores, there's a great option to show "Calumet Enthusiasm Down In Our Hearts!"

THREE -- The fun in February here at Calumet will include the Presidents' Day Weekend which will gather families and individuals for a great retreat weekend for them AND AT THE SAME TIME the WinterCamp for Kids program which -- just like summer time -- allows for campers to attend the weekend under the supervision of Calumet counselors!. 

FOUR -- We're getting ready for Quilting Retreats (Feb 23-26, 2/26-28, and 3/3-6) -- Visiting Calumet in the winter time doesn't have to include going outside to the frozen lake and the Toboggan Run! For some winter guests, staying warm inside is the way to go. Quilters from around New England can snag a coveted spot at one of the three Quilt Retreats happening at Calumet in the weeks to come. Connie is the leader and is ready to offer help. Learn more by clicking below.

FIVE -- Are you looking for a rewarding way to spend a week this summer? We're inviting enthusiastic individuals to join us as Dining Room Stewards at our Conference Center!  As a steward, you'll help with: setting tables, supporting the dish room, and greeting & welcoming guests. In exchange, you'll receive free accommodations and meals for the week!

There's more to know about this volunteer gig -- and paid positions at Calumet this summer, too! Click the button below and see about what might be a good fit for you!

SIX --Confirmation Camp Weekends (Mar 7-9 and Apr 4-6) -- a time to enjoy Calumet for a weekend away as a small group while being part of a larger group!

There are two Confirmation Camp Weekend Retreats for congregations from New England. Some congregations come to Calumet with two kids and some come with a dozen kids. These weekend retreats allow for pastors/adult leaders to "get away" and enjoy time with other leaders and students. If this March retreat doesn't work for your schedule, check out the other option. Learn more by clicking below.

SEVEN -- Brand new this year: Discover Overnight Camp! This weekend has been set aside for prospective campers and the adult(s) who loves them to visit for a couple of nights to get a bit of the Calumet Spirit. If you or someone you know might be a good fit for this weekend of introduction and fun, click the button below and learn more!

EIGHT -- February is Black History Month and as a way of engaging and learning, Calumet is partnering with the New England Synod AntiRacism Collaboritive Board with a Read & Zoom on FEB 24/25. The book is The Sum of Us by Heather McGhee and, while supplies last, the cost of the book and the cost of shipping is free. Learn more about this wonderful learning opportunity by clicking the button below.

NINE -- Calumet's wicked fun LEGO Weekend will be March 14-16 and we have been planning a great experience for individuals and families to enjoy time together. Meet others, participate in the contests, and enjoy all that Calumet has to offer! Join LEGO Master Dan Steininger, chaplain Dick Burgess, and others! Check out more info by clicking the button below.

TEN -- During 2025, Calumet will be seeking financial support -- just as its always done -- so that Calumet can be on the most solid financial footing it can be. Whether it be helping a kid attend camp who couldn't otherwise cover the fee, or helping with the soaring costs of the new program we want to try, or helping with the update of the meeting space that gathers people together -- your support helps the BIG picture!

1. Find at least one time this year to make a gift to the annual fund -- any amount helps. Literally, no gift is too small.

2. Consider naming Calumet in your estate plan (retirement fund, life insurance, percentage in will) and reach out to Calumet to let us know you did so! Knute and Ginger are happy to hear from you!

3. Be part of creating the spirit that planning matters ... that generosity matters ... that faith communities matter. Talk about what you value with your circle of love. Invite others to care about Calumet, too! Thank you!