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Family Camp Plus

AUGust 17-22, 2025

Come experience Calumet's two sides all at once! All year long, families come and enjoy time away at this special place we call Calumet, but it is during the summertime that Camp is really most alive! During Family Camp Plus (FC+) Week, come enjoy all the things that you expect, plus some activities that happen during Resident Camp. We'll have activities from numerous departments and parts of camp, including:

  • Games in Field Sports
  • Tie Dye in A&C
  • Swimming and Boating on the Waterfront
  • Rah-Rah-Ray! (AKA Morning Devotions) in the Outdoor Chapel
  • The Traditional Sailing Regatta
  • A Campfire on the Beach

Meals will be in Johnson Dining Hall, overlooking the beauty of the lake. Look for extra extra (++) special activities, including a LEGO presentation from Dan, the LEGO Master Builder!