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New Years Extravaganza

December 29, 2025-January 1, 2026

Arrive on the 29th for the beginning of this New Years Retreat and enjoy a welcome session that will introduce retreat leaders, familiarize guests with the schedule options, and assist the group in getting to know each other!

We'll have all kinds of fun. Calumet Staff is retooling and reshaping this much beloved annual event. There will be singing, laughing, contests/games, excellent food, and daily opportunities to wonder about God.

There will plenty of opportunity to have time for just yourself -- just your family -- with a day to go skiing or sledding off.

The classic fun of our New Year’s Eve Dinner will be followed by Team Trivia, special musical guests on New Year's Eve, and the dropping of "The Ball" at 9 PM and at Midnight.

Calumet provides comfy accommodations, delicious food and a friendly atmosphere for your time away.

To learn more contact Alice